Friday, November 25, 2016

Kindness is Contagious

 Being kind can be quite contagious, its like a smile or a frown. Once you see it, well it changes you. The change might not be all day, week, month, but for that one moment it is all there is. 

Your day does not start the way you want, you oversleep, the car won't start, the people in your life are arguing. This is when it takes the most. This is when YOUR choice matters. You can choose to let a bad start or a bad day be your day or YOU can choose to shrug it off and make the day better. You can choose to be kind to those who aren't. You can choose to offer that smile that will make someone smile back. They don't just smile back because you smiled, they smile back because you choose to see them as a person and they smile back to acknowledge that. Your smile might be the bright spot in someone's day. Your kindness will be contagious and they will be kind in turn. 

We all like to think that one small action does not make a difference but we are all WRONG. Every small action has a reaction, good or bad. That reaction is based upon YOUR choice. 

Every person on this earth hold so much power that it is scary. All of us should strive to live a life of kindness. 

My life is not perfect, far from it actually, however I choose everyday what is allowed in my life. I choose to live my life with commonsense, humor, kindness and the knowledge that it is always MY choice. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Do you know what's wrong with the world?

       It's sad that we have to find a scapegoat for our problems. #EllenDeGeneres says the same phrase everyday, she says,"Be Kind to One Another", so why aren't we listening? Why is this so hard for us to do? 

      If you speak unkindly that is on you, not the person next to you or in front of you or behind you, it is all on you, that is your         choice. If children speak unkindly or act unkind then they have not been taught better by their parents. They can still be taught kindness by others. Each and every person in this world has a choice on how they speak to others, how they treat others and how they teach others. That is no one else's choice. Own your choices, you made them. Blaming your choice on others is like blaming the fork for your weight. That doesn't make any sense does it?

     Our media exacerbates and perpetuates division in our society. They bring our race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, education and social status in to the news, into our lives and we as a whole feed on it, buy into it and make decisions about it. I have friends. I do not separate them into categories. I do not know them by race, sexual orientation, religion, education or social status. I know them by their name and by their heart. This is what matters, this is the only thing that is important. 

    We need to make the choice to make this a better world and in order to begin we need to stop playing the blame game. We need to own our choices. We need to individually start deciding for ourselves and live that choice. Blaming others will solve nothing. We have been doing that already and we are still in the same place. 

    Life is always about choice. Kindness cost's nothing, a smile cost's nothing, yet they bring so much and should be effortless. If we all start to give then we can all start to live in a better world. 

    I have to apologize to Ellen DeGeneres as I once again am going to quote her phrase because it is the perfect way to end this and begin a new, "Be Kind to One Another".