Monday, April 6, 2015

Special Gift

Everyone is different, everyone is unique but not everyone is a leader, nor is everyone a follower.

I often wonder why so many people try and hide who they are not just from the world but from themselves.

Each one of us has something special to offer the world and I wonder why each one of us doesn't. Are we worried that no one else will think it is special enough? Are we just to selfish, or that self involved or dependent on to many others to know what our special gift is?

Your gift does not have to overwhelm the people around you or the world in which we live to be important. Your gift could be having a kind face, a smile, a great ear for listening or arms for hugging. Your gift could be the intelligence to solve major problems or be a great team player. Your gift could be witty conversation or a sense of humor that is infectious. Your gift could be your work, your home or your family. Your gift could be complaining or assertiveness and yes those are gifts.

My point to all of this, you have a gift to share with this world and no it may never be on a global scale, however there are people in this world that would be grateful for your gift so share it. Don't be afraid of who you are, where you are at in your life or the pressure of the people around you. Be you and be happy that you are well you.

Let your light shine because sometimes its the only way to help not only yourself but the people around you find their way.

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