Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Have you ever run into a situation where you really start to wonder if someone you care about has lost their damn mind? Well I am in that place. I keep going over things in my head and I just can't seem to understand what the hell they think they are doing and then it dawns on me that THEY AREN'T THINKING!!!
You look at their choices and wonder why would you choose that? Yes I am coming back to CHOICE. That is what it is all about. Right now I am debating my choices. Do I say to the person that I care about, WAKE UP, quit choosing to waste, quit choosing the path that will lead you no where; or do I choose to sit back let them make the choices that they want and then listen to them choose to ask me later why I let them choose that path.
Which brings up another very valid point, OWN YOUR CHOICES! If you choose poorly you will eventually see it, feel the pain of those choices but don't look to shift the responsibility on to someone that cares about you and ask them why they didn't say anything. If you choose wisely you will reap the rewards. I have never heard someone say, I choose wisely, my life is great and its all your fault. It is so easy to blame when things go wrong.
I have to believe that some where out in this world filled with people who consciously and unconsciously make choices everyday understand what I am saying. I speak to people and sometimes they look at me as if I am speaking another langue, this can not be that hard to understand.
Now I know that there are some situations that exist in this world where choice was taken from you, where responsibility lies somewhere else and with someone else, however you have the choice on how to react. You have the choice to turn it around, make something better of it.
I was in a car accident 20 years ago, I know long time but I suffered a closed head injury. I spent eight months in an out patient brain injury clinic trying to get some of my functions back. I had a choice I could listen to the doctors who said I would be lucky to ever get back to where I was (which at the time I was 19 years old) or I could choose to do more. I could choose that I was worth the effort and I have something to offer. There are people that work with closed head injury patients that talk to me and are amazed and ask lots of questions. That just tells me I chose right. I am worth the work, the effort and I am enough.

Ok so my choice now is to start blogging on a more regular basis. If you have questions, comments, or something you would like to just get someone else's opinion on let me know.
Thanks for reading
Remember, Choose to smile, choose to be happy!

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