Thursday, August 8, 2013


Everyday things happen and we don't understand why. Sometimes the why isn't what is important. It took me a long time to realize this when things would happen in my life and like most people I always try and figure out the why. To be honest it is more about the how.
I often to my friends and family say little quips like "Don't let 5 seconds of courage ruin the rest of your life." or "It's a choice." Well that last one changed everything. Most people ask why instead of how because they haven't yet understood that the why is because of the how and the how is because of the Choice.
I love my family dearly and sometimes I go a little overboard with that and my little tidbits of helpfulness. However, I came to realize when I finally Woke Up and understood that I am here doing exactly what I am doing because I choose to.
If you are not happy with your life, you have a choice. If you don't like where you are, you have a choice. I know it is easy to sit and make excuses and stay where you are unhappy or where you feel like you can't get out, but you can its your choice.

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