Thursday, August 29, 2013

Question, when texting everyone understands that if the text is in capital letters, the other person means business/angry. So what would the best way be to have sarcasm understood?
Communication is very important but when you are sending a text, or email or any other form of communication the emotion is lost. The person on the other end doesn't get to see if you really mean what you are saying or if your being sarcastic or trying to be funny and just failing miserable. With out them knowing what you are trying to express you could get yourself in to a lot of trouble. So save the important  conversations for face to face or in today's day video chats lol

I bring all this up because I often hear people say, " How was I supposed to know if you don't tell me?" They have a valid point. Unfortunately we are not mind readers yet. So why do people feel horrible about asking for what they want, what they need, or for help. We feel horrible because when we ask, people draw conclusions and stop listening. Yet if we don't ask no one knows. So don't be afraid to ask, don't be afraid to say you need something. Life will get easier if you do.

On this note I want to address something that bothers me in this hypocritical society. If a women says what she wants, states what she expects (especially in a relationship), states her beliefs and what she will and won't tolerate she is considered to be a bitch. Ok if she doesn't tell you, how will you know. Then there is the built in excuse, you never told me. So let's lay off the excuses and be happy that a women tells you up front what she wants and leaves the decision to you on whether you are up for being in a relationship with her or not. She is just giving you a CHOICE. So try not to be offended, be proud that you are with someone who know's what they like, know's what they want and is willing to be adult enough to tell you. For all that is holy in the world stop with the bitch word. When a man speaks those things he is considered strong, driven and a whole list of positive adjectives.
Basically, I am really just trying to say that being open and upfront about what you want, need and expect will serve you better in the long run with any relationship.  

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