Monday, November 4, 2013

Epic Fail

Ok, so today I must say that I have failed. You see as a woman, a mother, a friend and human being we are here to learn, teach and grow. Some how I failed one of my children. I thought I taught them that no one should be there everything.

I am not saying that when you are in a relationship that it should not hold a significant place in your life, your decisions and your opportunity for growth but it should never be your everything. See when you say it is your everything than you are saying you are nothing with out it. If you feel you are nothing with out this relationship or this person then you shouldn't be in a relationship because you don't know yourself enough. NO ONE should be the be all, end all in your life with one exception... You.

When you place some one else as your everything then you lose YOU! You make decisions based on what someone else wants, what someone else likes and you lose yourself to them.

It is a scary place to wake up from one day. You have lost yourself, your dreams, you have given up on your happiness. You gave up on you. You now let someone else's happiness, dreams, goals and voice become what you use as a guide.

When you stop caring what other's think or feel about your everything then there is a problem. If you are trying to convince yourself that you don't care how all the people who have been there, in your life all the time feel about this then RED FLAGS have been raised.

I do not begrudge any of my children happiness but how am I supposed to believe the happiness is true and genuine when they lost their own voice? They lost their own voice because it doesn't match what their everything says it should be.

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