Sunday, November 3, 2013


I find myself facing a new dilemma. As a parent you long to see your children happy, but what happens when you see that happiness but aren't happy with the why they are happy or with the whom.

I know as a responsible parent you say it shouldn't matter. Your child is happy so you should just be happy for them. Then the nagging loud voice keeps screaming in your head that this is a huge mistake and the happiness will soon be followed by heartache and tears and you would never want the words, "I told you so" to escape your lips as you try and comfort them.  There in lies the conflict.

I find myself asking the question of how I can convey a genuine heartfelt I am happy for you when, well you are not. So I think I figured it out. I just need to break it down. Look at what is the most important right now. Right now I am genuinely happy for my child's happiness. I can easily and honestly convey that. The rest of the situation can not matter right now. When the heartache and the tears come, I then can just comfort and help show them the way to new happiness. There is and never will be any satisfaction  in the "I told you so." If by chance the words slip from your mouth and it doesn't even have to be those exact words people know what you mean. Own your words and apologize for any hurt that they cause. They will cause hurt.

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