Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I found myself in the situation where I needed to vent today. I don't need someone to tell me my problem and/or how to fix it. I already know what the problem is and what I can do to fix it I am just not ready to make that choice. I just wanted to vent.

I was then reminded of one of the key differences between men and women. See when a woman vents they are just looking for someone to listen. So normally that is why they vent to other women. When you vent to a man (god love them) they want to fix the problem, or tell you how to fix the problem. When you are in a committed relationship at some point if you do not vent to your partner they get upset and are hurt because they feel as if you are keeping things from them. Truth is sometimes the problem is them and how can you vent to them about them. Or sometimes you know even if its not about them in the end it will become about them, or it will become an argument. Why would you want an argument when you are already so ticked off that you need to vent in the first place?

I don't know about any of you that are reading this but I don't hold on to anger. Holding on to the anger will serve no greater good in my life, so I vent and move on.

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