Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It is so sad that there are so many emotions to feel yet one of the easiest to display is anger.

Facing people or situations can be difficult especially when they are people you care about, people that are important to you. So many times when things don't go the way we want or hope we instantly go to anger. If we just stopped ourselves for a moment and asked a simple question then the situation could honestly be dealt with. The next time someone doesn't react the way you hope or want, ask yourself this, "Am I angry or am I hurt?" More often then not the truth is you are hurt and you don't know how to express the hurt that you feel. So because we are human we go for the easiest of emotions, anger.
That anger though won't solve the problem, it won't fix the hurt. As bad as this may sound, if you are on the fence of deciding between if you are angry or if you are hurt ask yourself this, " If this person died tonight, or tomorrow would I be angry at them for this (whatever the situation is)? Most likely if you are honest with yourself, you wouldn't be.

When you feel hurt, take a minute to gather your thoughts, put yourself in a time out, whatever you need to do so that you can honestly express what you feel.  Look at the person and just say, "When you just did that (whatever it was they did) it hurts my feelings. Only then can communication be open to deal with it.

Men and women argue all the time, why because no one can be honest enough with themselves to say what they truly feel, what they really mean. We mask it all with anger. Masking the issue with anger is like sweeping something under the rug. Well that rug eventually is not going to lie flat on the floor anymore, then it will start to smell. When it starts to smell and there is a huge pile of crap laying under it no one wants to touch it because it has become overwhelming and they don't know where to start. Some will leave the rug where it lies and either walk away or get a new rug. Some will dig down and start little by little to clean it up. Point is if you make the choice to be honest with yourself and the important people in your life about how you each feel in situations you will never have a smelly dirty lump of a rug on your floor.

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