Saturday, September 21, 2013

What is the true cost?

Everyday we are reminded of the cost of life, but have you really ever stopped and took in the actual thought of cost? I mean we all look at cost as money but with our choices there is a much greater cost.

The people we choose to have in our lives for instance. Everyone of those people come with a cost. The cost of investing in them, the cost of choosing to keep them in your life. Sometimes we don't even realize the cost until its to late.

Take for instance a significant other. By choosing them you could be costing yourself, your family and your friends, sometimes even your future. That seems like a pretty high price to pay. The problem is you never really see the cost on your relationships until its over and you have no one around you anymore.

I know we as individuals can all be stubborn and relentless in pursuing what at the time makes us happy, but if someone is costing you so much don't you think you owe it to yourself to ask why this person's cost is so much greater than the others.

Now if you are really digging your heels in then you are saying to yourself because they are worth more. Well let me remind you of something, No one is worth more than someone else. We complain that everyone in today's society feels entitled, feels they should have more and do less. If your honest you know that you have done it and you have also complained when you have seen it being done. So make the choice and stop.

Your friends and family want nothing more in the world then to see you happy, with a life full of great things. Stop thinking that they are trying to deny you happiness. They are on the outside looking in and they see things that your blinders won't. They see through the lies, the bullshit and the excuses. They know who you really are and they hate watching you be someone that your not so that you can cover the cost of having someone in your life.

Remember nothing is this world is free. There will always be a cost (choice). Be mindful of how much you are willing to pay.

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