Sunday, September 8, 2013

"You have to understand that I have the choice to have you in my life and you have the choice to accept my choice or reject it." N. Kelley

My worth will never be based on your opinion of me. If only all of us could get to that point, I believe life would be easier.

I have had the opportunity to ponder a situation that was brought to me and I feel it is worth sharing. I hope that if you read this and find yourself in this position that it helps.

You are in a relationship. You are unhappy. You believe you deserve better, however you have chosen to stay where you are unhappy. Where you feel you are taken for granted. Where your self esteem has become so low that you feel you no one else would want you. You feel lost, hopeless and worthless. Then magically someone comes along and says the right things. They build you up. They raise your self esteem. They remind you that you are worth more. You are overwhelmed and unsure whether to believe them. You take the leap of faith and you start believing. You start believing all the wonderful things they tell you. You stat to realize that you deserve more. You deserve happiness. You start getting stronger. You start sharing your voice. You start making choices. You decide if the person I am with can not make me happy and treat me the way I now feel I deserve to be treated I will leave. Then you start thinking I will be with the person that built me up. The one that reminded you of you and what you deserve.

I do not believe that the person that helped you see, admit and built you up is who you are supposed to run to. I know it is hard because you started to have feelings for them. How could you not? I believe the person that helped you did only what they were supposed to. They were supposed to remind you.
If you run to them, you are still relying on someone else to tell you what you are worth.

When you get out of an unhappy relationship you need to be on your own. You need to be comfortable with you. You need to be able to sit by yourself and not feel lonely.

Be who you are. It takes two to make a relationship and two to break a relationship. Fault and blame serve no one, nor will it allow you to grow. You have to recognize your part. You have to own your part, learn from them and then move on. If you don't you will eventually find yourself back in a relationship that in the beginning will be amazing and then soon you will be unhappy and someone else will have to come in and remind you. Break the cycle. Find the happiness that you want and deserve.

You can do this. We so easily find positives in everyone else but not our selves.
Stop believing that asking for what you want is a horrible crime. It is not. The true crime and horrible punishment is from not speaking up. Use your voice.

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